This document serves to give you all the information you will need in order to ensure that you have a comfortable experience at the concert.
Show: The Hansa Festival of Legends, featuring Usher
Presented by Metro FM and Club 808,
Show Date: Saturday 10th March 2012
Venue: Orlando Stadium
City: Soweto, Johannesburg
Gates Open: 12h00
Music: 12h00 – 23h00
Please note that times are subject to change without notice.
Can I purchase tickets at the Stadium?
There will be NO tickets available for purchase at the stadium box office. Please ensure that you have collected your full ticket (and park-n-ride ticket) in advance of the concert from any Computicket outlet or Shoprite/Checkers Money Market counters situated nationwide.
Can I resell my tickets or use it for commercial purposes such as advertising, promotional competitions or to promote the sales of other goods and services?
Tickets cannot be resold or offered for resale (including on-line auction sites) or used for commercial purposes including advertising, promotional competitions, or to promote the sales of other goods and services. If this condition is breached the ticket will be cancelled without refund and the bearer of the ticket may be refused entry in accordance with our Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale.
Is it safe to buy someone else’s tickets?
In order to be certain that your ticket is not counterfeit/fake you should purchase it directly from Computicket only. Our security staff are trained in spotting counterfeits, and even though you might believe that you purchased a legitimate ticket from a tout/friend/gumtree you might find yourself denied entry into the venue (without a refund), or even arrested for possession of a fake ticket voucher.
If the tickets are lost or stolen will they be replaced?
Should you have lost or misplaced your ticket, please contact Computicket customer service PRIOR to the show date. Tickets are considered legal tender and as such we cannot replace or refund lost or stolen tickets at the venue.
Public transport, there are two options in place for fans attending the concert:
Due to the residential location of Orlando Stadium, there is NO PARKING within the stadium surrounds, and therefore fans are urged to make use of the Park-n-Ride facilities situated at Soccer City Complex, as well as local taxi operators in the area.
Park n Ride
Tickets are R70.00 per ticket (return) from Soccer City for general Public. This will enable you to park your vehicle safely at Soccer City and then catch a return BRT shuttle directly to Orlando Stadium.Tickets are R90.00 per ticket for hospitality transit by Luxury Bus from Soccer City Complex to Orlando Stadium.These tickets are available for purchase prior to the event through Computicket (visit and search for ‘Hansa festival of Legends’), or on the day of the event from security officials at Soccer City.The Park n Ride facilities will open at 11h00 and the first busses will leave at 11h30 for Orlando Stadium. After the show BRT busses will leave the stadium for the Park n Ride as and when each bus reaches capacity. The last bus shall leave the stadium at 02h00 on the 11th March 2012.
Road Closures
A number of roads around the stadium will be closed. If you need to travel in the area on Saturday 10th March , please plan accordingly. Map to be supplied.
Is there Disabled Parking?
Yes – disabled parking is located on Klip Valley Road. Please call the Computicket call centre on 0861 915 8000 or buy online at But, please note that you will be requested to provide proof that you have a legitimate disabled permit or a letter from your doctor indicating the need for such a parking space. Disabled Parking access is issued at the discretion of Big Concerts.
How long will it take to get through the gates/security checks?
As with any major event you should allow yourself ample time to get through the gates and security checkpoints. Gates are expected to open at midday. Depending on your time of arrival at Orlando Stadium, crowds and security checks may take some time.
What are the gate opening and closing times?
Gates are expected to open at midday and fans are strongly encouraged to arrive early. The concert will start just after the gates have opened, and it is expected to end around 23h30.
What is the music line-up?
The Festival features an exciting line-up of musicians that will be keeping the crowd entertained throughout the day: from just after midday late into the night. The Usher performance is an obvious highlight, but don’t miss Gang of Instrumentals, Liquid Deep, Teargas, Zakes Bantwini, and DJ’s Tira, Capital, Oskido and Vigilante, and of course the Hansa Legends in the Making.
Are there pass-outs from the venue?
No. Once you exit the gates (after entry) you will not be permitted to re-enter.
What should I bring with me on the day?
Ticket(s), adequate cash, mobile phones (with charged battery), photo ID as proof that you are 18+ years of age, suitable clothing and footwear. Please note that there are no ATM machines within the venues.
Will the concert go ahead if it rains?
Yes, the concert will take place come rain or shine.
Is the concert a non-smoking space?
Absolutely – in terms of smoking legislation smoking is strictly not permitted unless in designated smoking areas.
Will I be searched on arrival?
Yes, you will be subject to a personal search and/or search of your personal possessions at the time of entry to the venue.
If you refuse to comply with a security check will you be denied entry?
Security procedures are in effect for your own safety and as a consequence you may be requested to submit to a search of your person and/ or property. Failure to comply will mean you will be prevented from entering the event.
What are the consequences to disruptive and offensive behaviour?
Appropriate standards of behaviour are expected of all fans attending the event and persons deemed to be behaving in a manner that is dangerous or unacceptable will be refused admission and/or removed from the venue with no refund on the ticket. Please note drunken and disorderly behaviour will not be tolerated and you will be ejected from the stadium.
To be served alcohol do I need a valid ID?
Patrons wishing to consume alcohol must have a valid Photo ID in order to prove that they are above the legal age to consume alcohol (even if you think that you look much older). We are prohibited by law from serving liquor to under 18s and intoxicated persons.
Will alcohol be available at the venue?
Yes there are limited bar facilities in operation selling Beers and Ciders (NO hard liquor is available). The bars will begin operation when the gates are opened and will cease one hour prior to the end of the performance, unless otherwise instructed by the safety and security officials.
Is there a lost property area?
If you find property that someone else has lost, we request that you hand this to one of the security managers at the main pedestrian entrance. All lost items can be identified and collected from the Big Concerts office at least one working day after the show (assuming of course that they were handed in to us).
Can I take pictures of the performance?
Professional photographic, audio and video equipment is prohibited in order to prevent unauthorised infringement on the publishing, music and other rights owned by the artist. You will not be allowed to capture the show unless you are an accredited photographer/videographer with a recognised publication or media owner.
Non-professional and cell phone cameras are acceptable. For the avoidance of doubt, any camera with a detachable lens, and/or of a SLR (Single Lens Reflex) type is considered ‘professional’ in terms of this provision.
Where can I get a backstage pass?
You can’t, unless you’re part of the working staff employed at Big Concerts. And why would you want one anyway? it’s not as glamorous as it seems – we promise.
Is it true that this event is for over 18’s only?
Yes, in consultation with our sponsor, tickets are available only for those over the age of eighteen.
What bathroom facilities are there available?
There will be ample toilet facilities onsite including facilities appropriate to the mobility impaired. For fans that arrive early, we will ensure that toilet facilities, as well as food and beverages are available.
Is there food available to purchase?
Yes, there will be a limited selection of snacks and fast food available to purchase within the stadium.
Is there Mobile Phone Coverage?
As a consequence of the high attendance at this show, there is likely to be congestion across the mobile phone networks and therefore coverage will be extremely limited. Please also note that due to the nature of this show, we respectfully request that you ensure that the SILENT mode is selected during the performances.
What if I injure myself – is there medical personnel/first aid available?
Yes, there are medical personnel on site. Directional signage will guide you to these facilities.
Is there wheelchair/special needs access?
At every Big Concerts we work to ensure that access is as easy as possible for concert goes requiring assistance, including the provision of facilities for the mobility impaired to aid the enjoyment of the concert. For the best possible service please for direct assistance.
Will I be able to withdraw cash from an ATM on site?
Unfortunately, due to the risks of carrying cash on site, there is NO ATM located at the venue. We suggest therefore that you bring sufficient cash with you in order to purchase food, beverages and merchandise.
What items are you not allowed to bring into the venue?
– Glass bottles or containers or other heavy and/or sharp objects , which could potentially be used as projectiles (excluding sunglasses, binoculars and prescription or reading glasses)
– Any illegal drugs
– Skateboards, scooters, roller blades or bicycles
Knives, weapons of any nature or fireworks
– Any object that could be used to distract, hinder or interfere with any performer including laser pointers and flashlights
– Flags with poles, large flags or banners that may obstruct the view of other patrons
– Any whistle, horn, musical instrument, loud hailer, public address system
– Digital, electronic or other recording or broadcast device
– Any item that you intend to distribute, hawk, sell, offer, expose for sale or display for marketing or promotional purposes
– No animals apart from authorised guide/companion dogs
– Any dangerous goods and any other items by management to be dangerous or capable of causing a public nuisance
– Professional cameras or video recorders
– Umbrellas
– Braais
– Camping Chairs
– Cooler Boxes
– Food and refreshments (including soft drinks and alcohol) which will be available for sale inside the concert.