American R&B and jazz singer Chanté Moore concert which was suppose to have happened this past weekend (Saturday 14 Apr 2012) at the Sandton Convention Centre was cancelled two days prior the concert. After this have left a huge dissapointment on the fans who were looking forward to Chante’s perfomance, The organisers says this occurred due to the sponsors declining two days before the concert.
We had numerous encouraging meetings with the sponsors, but then we got confirmation of them declining two days before the concert said Dr Mukandila Kalenga the event organiser.
There was nothing we could do. The sponsors promised to assist, but it’s unfortunate that they had other arrangements.
In favour of peace Kalenga also apologised to the fans who were highly dissapointed:
“We’re very sorry about this. As an events company, we’ll carry on with our business, but we have things to carefully look into, so as not to experience this again.”
Refunds are now being paid to fans who have purchased the tickets for the concert.