The first eviction show on Big Brother Stargame witnessed some unexpected twists as all nominated housemates from last week’s random nomination in the Downvile House were evicted from Downvile.
Teclar is out! So are Hilda and Julio…the first set of housemates were evicted from the Big Brother Africa StarGame house on Sunday night.
After seven days in the house, while most housemates are still settling in and finding their footing in the StarGame house, these 3 housemates are sadly on their way home.
Zimbabwean Duo Teclar and Maneta were the first to be asked to leave the house. While Teclar was sent home, in a surprising twist, her sister, Meneta was upgraded to the Upville “Celeb” House.
However, there were no upgrades for Hilda and Julio from Tanzania, they were both sent home!
After the elimination, it was time for nominations. The lottery balls revealed that Sierra Leone and Liberia as the pairs up for possible Eviction this week.