Happy Twitter afternoon! Another reason to spend your time on twitter this afternoon. Well this time it’s AKA and iFani. According to AKA – iFani’s gold status on his recent album was made possible by a brand not fans. AKA’s tweets states that Redds bought the entire 20 000 copies of iFani’s new album to make the gold status happen. He further states that both parties are lying to their fans, while they should just accept. “Don’t get me wrong guys … I applaud IFani for getting Redds to take his album to Gold status. We could learn a lot from that move.” AKA tweeted.
Don't get me wrong guys … I applaud IFani for getting Redds to take his album to Gold status. We could learn a lot from that move.
— AKA (@akaworldwide) May 12, 2015
If a brand bought 20 000 IFani albums … Surely I could get someone to buy the remaining 2K right?
— AKA (@akaworldwide) May 12, 2015
But then what has iFani has to say about this? iFani did make a fond reply to AKA’s tweets. iFani replied to AKA to dismiss that , stating that the 20 000 copies were not bought by Redds “Just as a side note tho b’reiy, @akaworldwide ,Redds did not buy 20 000 copies of my album”he tweeted. He then further replied to another follower to question why would a brand spend millions on a single artist “come one now, think for yourself nawe. Which brand would spend R1.2 million on ONE artist’s album? For what? □ common logic.”
Redds also made a reply to dismiss AKA’s statement: “We support local talent & we are proud of @iFani_Haymani. The brand did not have any involvement in buying copies of the album.”
Just as a side note tho b'reiy, @akaworldwide ,Redds did not buy 20 000 copies of my album. Enkosi for the congratulations □ #work
— iFani (@iFani_Haymani) May 12, 2015
@Dezicles come one now, think for yourself nawe. Which brand would spend R1.2 million on ONE artist's album? For what? □ common logic.
— iFani (@iFani_Haymani) May 12, 2015
Well here are all the tweets from both rappers:, What’s your take on this?