Twitter has rolled out new features including group direct messaging, mobile video camera, ‘while you were away’ and Periscope…
Direct messaging
Direct Messages are the best way to take your public Twitter conversations private. The platform has changed how direct messaging works so that it is even easier for you to communicate one-to-one or with a chosen group of people, anywhere in the world.
Private conversations on Twitter are a great complement to the largely public experience on the platform. You might prefer to read (or watch) Tweets but converse about them privately. You might want to continue a public conversation privately with a smaller group, or start one based on a Tweet you saw. Many of us use Direct Messages to reach the people and brands you are only connected to on Twitter. Whatever the case may be, the ability to converse privately with groups gives you more options for how and with whom you communicate on Twitter.
In the past, you could only Direct Message one person at a time. Following the update, Twitter now enables you to speak privately with a group of up to 20 people via direct message at the same time. You can send a private message, share Tweets, pictures, links and emojis. The Direct Messages feature has been updated so you can start a private conversation with more than one person, who do not all need to follow each other but they do need to be following you. To start a group Direct Message – click on the Messages tab and enter multiple names into the recipients box.
Video capability
Tweets have been more than 140 characters for some time and to add to your Tweet you can now seamlessly capture, edit and share videos right from the Twitter app.
Twitter designed the camera to be simple to use so you can capture and share life’s most interesting moments as they happen. In just a few taps you can add a video to unfolding conversations, share your perspective of a live event, and show your everyday moments instantly, without ever having to leave the app. Viewing and playing videos is just as simple: videos are previewed with a thumbnail and you can play them with just one tap. Twitter’s unique mobile video camera and inline editing experience lets you capture and share videos up to 30 seconds in an instant.
While you were away…
The while you were away feature is a recap of some of the top Tweets you might have missed from accounts you follow while you were offline. To fill in those gaps, it will show a few of the best Tweets you probably would not have seen otherwise. The Tweets that are shown are determined by engagement and other factors. Open your Twitter for iOS or Twitter for Android app and the while you were away Tweets will be displayed at the top.
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Periscope lets you share an experience with others. Press a button and your friends and family will be notified instantly that you are live – as long as they are following you. Periscope offers the power of a shared experience. Most mobile broadcasting tools feel far from live, however broadcasters on Periscope are directly connected to their audience, being able to feel their presence and interact.
Going live on Periscope means more than a blinking red dot. Periscope gives you a new set of eyes and ears. Travel the world and step into someone else’s shoes. See what they see, hear what they hear and feel what they feel. Watching a broadcast is not a passive experience like television. On Periscope, viewers influence the broadcaster by sending messages, and expressing their love by tapping the screen to send hearts.