Cashtime Life rapper – K.O has decided to put out a statement following a no win at this past weekend #MTVMAMA2015 . The rapper expressed that some individuals at MTV are to blame and are taking advantage of the platform using it to push their own agendas, ‘I want to be clear that I am not talking about the entire MTVBase organisation but rather individuals within the channel who want to play ‘God’ and use the platform to push their own agendas’, he stated. K.O expressed that he went to the awards ceremony knowing well he won’t win as he was placed at the bottom of ‘their’ priorities list.
Here is a full statement by K.O:
Firstly, I want to be clear that I am not talking about the entire MTVBase organisation but rather individuals within the channel who want to play ‘God’ and use the platform to push their own agendas. Anyway, I went into the #MTVMAMA2015 fully cognizant that i was placed at the bottom of ‘their’ priorities list, so I had long made peace with not winning anything on the night. I just couldn’t help but feel like ‘their’ whole agenda was to create a discriminative perception that my 2014/15 run in the game was palpably a far cry from that of my counterparts hence why I was not included in ‘their’ whole build up and in the initial performers’ list. I believe all the winners that night absolutely deserved their respective accolades and I respect and salute them for their astounding impact – no complaints there. But it is evil of some of the organizing individuals to blatantly make certain nominees and talent at the ceremonial festivities feel unworthy. Artists had been rehearsing since Thursday and a majority of them had their rehearsal run on Friday. I only got to rehearse my performance on the day of the awards, few hrs before the show! Thank you to some of the folks in management at MTVBase for trying their best to rectify things as they were aware of my team’s displeasure. Nonetheless, even though I didn’t bag a trophy, the boy BODY BAGGED the night with an illustrious yet super short performance!!! One thing you should know about me is that I put God and my Art first! Everything else is miscellaneous… Love always to my fans and those rooting for me❤️. God bless my team, my country and its habitants… #K-Izzo