TV/Radio Personality ; Thando Thabethe has taken the challenge to highlight a serious issue in South Africa; domestic violence and physical abuse with a new campaign titled #MakeItStop .
#MakeItStop is a social media initiative aimed to strengthen the message of Power encouraged by the Thando Thabethe’s Womens Day Netball Challenge.
South African celebrities offered their voices and faces to assist Thando with the #MakeItStop initiative. The images portray a chilling representation of Women who have been abused.
Here is a list of the celebs involved in the campaign:
Ayanda Thabethe – Model, @ayandathabethe_
Denise Zimba – TV Presenter & Actress @MissDeniseZimba
Manaka Ranaka – Actress @ManakaRanaka
Andisiwe Dweba – Actress @siwedweba
Khanya Mkhangisa – Actress @khanyaMkangisa
Tema Sebopedi – Actress @Temanyana
Dineo Moeketsi – TV Presenter & Actress @therealdineo
Ms Cosmo – 5fm Dj
Bruises, cuts and broken bones are the reality of many South Africans
According to POWA 1 in every 6 women who die in Gauteng are killed by an intimate partner.
The Institute of Security Studies did a research project in 1999. They found that:
90% of the women interviewed had experienced emotional abuse: being humiliated in front of others was most commonly reported.
90% had also experienced physical abuse: being pushed or shoved and being slapped or hit were highlighted.
71% had experienced sexual abuse: attempts to kiss or touch followed by forced sexual intercourse occurred most often.
58% experienced economic abuse: money taken without consent was most common.
42.5% of women had experienced all forms of abuse.
60% of all cases of abuse were committed by partners, lovers or spouses.
-Emotional abuse-either as a category on its own or in combination with other types of abuse was referred to by 63% of women as being the most serious.
The Thando Thabethe Womans Day Netball Challenge takes place this weekend, 8 August at the UJ Soweto Campus.