Since we are about to hit the holiday season, we found it very interesting to explore some of the apps you can use to properly plan for your next trip. Scrap all the google searching and tons of books, it all comes to three simple apps that will give you all info you’re looking for.
Most of us are familiar with Instagram and its flow. Each day peope get on Instagram to explore alot of photos. So to your advantage you can use this app to check out cool places for a holiday, get on the app try out hashtags like #beach #holidayplaces #placestovisit In the app, tap on the search icon, then choose ‘Places’. Type in the place you’re looking for and scroll down to the ‘most recent’ section to see what the weather’s like, any festivals or other events that are taking place and much more.
– Instagram is available Free on iOS, Android and the web
This is another great social platform where people share photos and travel info, just like Instagram. The nice thing about Pinterest ; it easily allows you to search travelling photos by category, either you looking for tips, places, cool activities to do and more exciting whatever photo you fall inlove with you can easily ‘Pin’ it for later use. There’s also a feature of ‘Boards’, this helps you to categorize photos you ‘Pin’ either by country, activity or season.
– Pinterest is available Free on iOS, Android and the web
Now this is a must with no questions! Now with Twitter it’s not all photographic like Instagram or Pinterest but we do consider it for your trip planning. With the use of a hashtag or normal keyword you can easily check out what others are saying about the place(s) you wish to visit, for instance search hashtag #Zanzibar , the results will show what others are saying about the place. The results will appear in live feeds, photos and videos. More special you get to follow accounts that also talk about exciting activities to do while on holiday and places to visit.
– Twitter is available Free on iOS, Android and the web
So feel free to leave your comment below, what other apps do you prefer and what place will you be visiting this holiday season?