The top two contestants, Karabo Mogane and Mmatema Moremi have embarked on a nationwide tour before the live finale of the 11th season of Idols on M-Net and Mzansi Magic that will again set a new voting record on Sunday.
The vote tally on Sunday, as the latest season of the singing reality competition show draws to a close, will again shatter two records: the one for the overall number of votes cast over the whole season, as well as the number of votes for the final week of the show.
Idols has already been renewed for a 12th season in 2016 on M-Net (DStv 101) and Mzansi Magic (DStv 161) and will next year see some competition on M-Net itself in the form of The Voice South Africa which starts in January and will look to steal some of the Idols voting success, viewer interest and buzz.
For now all the attention is on the live finale of Idols happening on Sunday at Carnival City with all tickets for the massive venue already sold out.
As in previous years, the last two contestants have embarked in a whirlwind publicity tour to drum up support and votes with nationwide appearances, media interviews and performances.
Karabo and Mmatema are flying to Cape Town today where they will start their next round of media interviews, personal appearances and performances after they land at the Cape Town International airport at 18:10.
Fans can watch them perform at Canal Walk at Century City on Wednesday, 18 November at 15:00.
After which they jet off to Durban and land at Durban’s King Shaka International airport at 22:00 on Wednesday night. On Thursday they will perform at The Workshop in Durban at 13:00.