Khuli Chana’s most talked about documentary ‘Picking up the Pieces’ set to hit local cinemas in September.
Simply titled ‘Picking Up The Pieces: The Khuli Chana Story,’ this documentary will focus on his 2013 mistaken identity shooting and his life since then.
Well you can go check out Khuli Chana’s Picking up the Pieces in cinemas from 01 – 04 September at Ster-Kinekor cinemas nationwide.
As reported on SowetanLive; Chana was shot at by police officials with an automatic rifle who pursued the musician in a case of mistaken identity in 2013.
He sustained minor injuries and had a bullet lodged in his right finger after the incident.
Chana launched a civil claim against the SAPS which was estimated to be around R2 million. Police refused to pay the amount‚ despite apparently originally agreeing to the settlement.
THERE IT IS! A MUST SEE,and now it's nation-wide. #PickingUpThepieces
— Respek FREE Download (@KhuliChana) August 26, 2016