The next step in the evolution of PUMA’s Run The Streets campaign gets a local flavour with record producer and musician Anatii.
PUMA launched Run The Streets in 2017 with megastar The Weeknd as the global face of the campaign, with South African influencers Mashayabhuqe KaMamba, Nasty C, Gigi Lamayne, Das Kapital and Nonku Phiri featured in the local campaign which won an award at the international CICLOPE Festival in Berlin. Last year, the focus was on The City and how the innovators who reshape the world, draw inspiration and energy from the streets.
For 2018 the campaign has evolved and the focus is on The Hustle – the work these innovators execute day-to-day to get to the level they’re at.
For 2018 there is a dual focus: the Street Hustlers on the rise and the Street Legends looking back, exposing how the hustle has adapted to changes on the street, the industry and culture, and inspiring the new generation by passing on knowledge gained deep in the game.
The campaign features videos of these innovators exploring their hunger to create, to reinvent and challenge boundaries, as well as the hours spent developing their talent and perfecting their skills.
First up in the campaign is Anatii, a legend on the rise, who embodies the essence of the Street Hustler. Anatii, aka the Electronic Bushman, shares how he spent pretty much every weekend of his high school life in the studio, exploiting the opportunity to “become a greater you”.
“Run the Streets is all about the Hustle, so we are excited to partner with the current group of Hustlers and Legends as they share the stories of their day-to-day struggles to innovate, develop their talents and realize their dreams. In short, the Hustle don’t sleep,” said PUMA South Africa’s Marketing Director Brett Bellinger.
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