Since the debut of Mobile Suit Gundam in 1979, the Gundam universe has expanded, captivating audiences with compelling characters and complex narratives. Merging fashion and sci-fi, the Levi’s® brand collaborates with Gundam, creating a futuristic collection inspired by the iconic series.
The Levi’s® x Gundam SEED collection features the ’93 501® jeans and Relaxed Trucker, adorned with patterned prints of the Strike Gundam. The Technical Anorak and Cargo Pant showcase silver piping and co-branded Gundam patches. Bold tops include the Boxy Tee, Rugby with oversized Strike Gundam print, Long Sleeve Tee featuring ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam print, and the red Hoodie with a glossy GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam print.
The collection extends to functional accessories: the Gundam SEED Harness Bag, Accent Pouch, and Utility Beanie. Drawing inspiration from Gundam’s futuristic vision, the collection offers a unique blend of utility and style.
The Levi’s® x Gundam SEED collection is available globally on, the Levi’s® App, and in select Levi’s® stores, also here in South Africa.
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